



Brinell CCD Image Automatic Measuring System

Brinell CCD Image Automatic Measuring System

Bench Hardness Tester, Brinell Hardness Tester

Sistem pengukuran otomatis gambar Brinell CCD menggabungkan perangkat lunak komputer dan penguji kekerasan, seluruh prosedur pengujian diselesaikan melalui pengoperasian keyboard dan klik mouse yang mudah, yang menghindari kelelahan visual dan kesalahan buatan manusia serta dapat menguji berbagai jenis kekerasan. Dilengkapi dengan kamera CCD yang mudah diobservasi, dan dapat langsung mengamati dan mengukur indentasi pada layar. Untuk kondisi pengujian pengaturan, hasilnya dapat dioperasikan dan ditampilkan dengan jelas dan mudah. Dapat secara otomatis melakukan perhitungan kedalaman infiltrasi, perhitungan statistik, konversi, menampilkan kurva, menilai apakah memenuhi syarat, dan menyimpan hasilnya sebagai dokumen WORD atau EXCEL.



CCD Image automatic measuring system combines the computer software and the hardness tester, the whole test procedure is
finished through the easy operation of keyboard and mouse click, which avoids the visual fatigue and man-made error and can test
different kinds of hardness. It is equipped with a CCD camera easy to observe, and can directly observe and measure the indentation
on the display. For test conditions of setting, the results can be clearly and conveniently operated and displayed. It can automatically
carry out the calculation of infiltration depth, statistical calculations, conversion, display curve, judging whether qualified and save the
result as WORD or EXCEL documents.
●Basic function: include all functions of image processing and measurement system, such as image capture, calibration, image
processing, geometric measurement, annotation, photo album management and fixed times print etc;
●Automatic measurement: Automatically capture the indentation and measure the diameter and calculate the corresponding value of
Brinell hardness;
●Hardness conversion: The system can convert the measured Brinell hardness value HB to other hardness value such as HV, HR
●Data statistics: The system can automatically calculate the average value, variance and other statistical value of the hardness;
●Standard exceeding alarm: Automatic mark the abnormal value, when the hardness exceeds the specified value, it automatically
●Test report: Automatically generate the report of WORD or EXCEL format, the report templates can be modified by the user.
●Easy to use: Click on the interface button or press the camera button or press the run button to automatically complete all the work;
if need manual measurement or modify the results, just drag the mouse;
●Strong noise resistance: The advanced and reliable image recognition technology can handle the indentation recognition on the
surface of the complex sample, two kinds of automatic measurement mode to deal with the extreme situation;
●Automatic calibration: The system has provided a calibration function, convenient for the indentation size measurement and may
calibrate at any time. With a calibration grid, the system can automatically implement full calibration for calibration grid intersection
points to eliminate measurement error caused by lens distortion

What You Get

●Computer (CPU: I3, HD: 500G, Memory: 4G,
19 inch LCD screen)
●Ink Jet Printer
●CCD Camera (1.30 Million Pixel)
●USB Softdog
●Measuring Software

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